This is a short journal of my journey through as many countries in Europe, 1 man and his motorbike!

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Right then, the first post!

I am going on a bike ride but this time a bit further than normal. I am hoping to take in a number of countries in Europe, lasting for about 4 months or unitl I run out of money for petrol, getting as far south as Morocco (I know it's not in Europe but I have always wanted to go there) and as far north as possible in mainland Europe.

I will be riding my new motorbike, a BMW R1200GS. Which I bought Just before Christmas 2005. I will be camping wherever possible and traveling alone. Stopping off with people I know around Europe.

In April this year I went on a bit of a practice run to Ireland. Where I covered 1500 miles in 6 days, camping and staying with friends.

Here are a few pictures from the recent trip, showing the bike loaded up and the camping set up along with an arty shot of the beach near Dublin.

Below is a list of the countries and the order that I am hoping to visit them in. If any on
e has relatives or friends in any of the countries listed, who they think wouldn't mind a grubby biker rocking up, then please let me know. As I am sure I will need a break from camping sometimes

France, Belgium, The Netherlands, Germany, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Greece, Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro, Croatia, Slovenia, Italy, Switzerland, France, Spain, Gibraltar, Ceuta, Morocco, Portugal, France.

I am leaving for this trip the first week in July and will be regularly updating it as I go, with photos and details of the trip.


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